Paper-based Test
MarkScanner program automatically grades answer sheets and stores the results into database. The answer sheet is a special type of form used in multiple choice question test. It usually has a set of blank ovals or boxes that correspond to each question, often on separate sheets of paper. This printable sheet is made by Editor using regular A4 paper. MarkScanner connects itself to multiple choice test database to get answers and grades the answer sheets using regular scanner. MarkScanner does not require specialized equipments nor special printers. Only with office printers and scanners can automate answer sheet grading using MarkScanner; fast, accurately and efficiently.
Official Examination using MarkScanner
Over 600 answer sheet samples by 300 students were graded correctly, MarkScanner program was honorably trusted by the University of Economics HCMC's Board of Directors. When used for the entrance exam for 2nd college degree, school year 2006, round 1 on April 23 and round 2 on May 14 in 2006, MarkScanner again did a great job on grading more than 6000 answer sheets. Exactness, convenience and adaptation are what we always wanted to bring to EMP users.
Designed & Developed by Thanh Le
© 2025 TINYRAY