LAN-based Test

LAN based test requires both TiMaster and TiTest, where

  • TiMaster is for teacher's laptop
  • TiTest is for student laptops and smartphones.

Test preparation

The very first step is to connect TiMaster with multiple TiTest instances.

On TiMaster, select 'Quiz Exam', then select 'Connect' on the top-right corrner.

On TiTest, do long tap or long press the EMP logo until it switches to searching for TiMaster mode.

Connected student devices will be shown in the list on TiMaster.

To start a test session

On TiMaster, under the Begin test section:

  • Select quiz for test under "Select a test",
  • Select class under "Select classess",
  • Set test time, grading scale and whether using weighted grading method,
  • Choose whether or not showing results to students when they are done with the test,
  • Finally, select "Start Test" command to start test session.
  • Students now can enter their information, then select the "Submit" button to start.

To end a test session

  • Select "End Test".
  • Select "Save" to save test results into database.
  • One can select "Print" to review list of students attending the test or, select "Ignore" to not saving anything.

To quit LAN based test

  • Select "Quit" to end LAN based test
  • This will also close TiTest on all connected devices
Designed & Developed by Thanh Le
© 2024 TINYRAY