Answer Sheet Grading
Paper-based test requires a large number of answer sheets to be graded. This is where TiMaster and TiGrade step in to help using either smartphone or image acquisition device.
From TiMaster, select "Grader":
Running TiGrade on smartphone or desktop with TWAIN device. TiGrade will automatically connect to TiMaster.
On TiMaster, please confirm connection from TiGrage.
Make sure adjusting TiGrade camera lens focus on answer sheet, then select "Scan" to start grading.
Once done, select "Save" on TiMaster to store grading results into database, making possible reviewing student test result, similar to that of online test.
Grading performance
One hundred percent is guaranteed when using TiMaster with TiGrade for grading optical mark answer sheets thanks to the advanced image processing methods for Optical Mark Recognition. More…
Designed & Developed by Thanh Le
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